Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Uncle Sam Wants You - Cassiopeia

So it has been a few weeks since I last did an USWY article. At the time I was playing some Veigar and Maokai and I really enjoyed them both. One of the best things about doing this is that I have been trying out a lot more champions than I used to.
Quite awhile ago I purchased Cassiopeia and had some decent games with her but was not that enthused about her. I decided to giver her another shot on a whim and man am I glad I did. Cassiopeia is tons of fun and is an easy farmer. Her burst is often underestimated by opponents and a well timed ult can turn the tide of a team fight.
I prefer to play Cass mid and run a 9/21/0 setup in my masteries and run cooldown per levle glyphs, magic pen marks, mana/5 per level seals, and gold/10 quints. I use flash and ignite. I build Rod of the Ages first, then sorcerer's boots, Rabadons Deathcap and Rylais Scepter, after this I may get a Will of the Ancients or Abyssal Scepter or a defensive item like Banshees Veil.
I passively farm with Miasma and last hits thru level 6 staying far back after dropping miasma. This allows me to farm well and make it very hard for enemies to harass or gank me. I am often able to clear minions with miasma and let the minions push into the enemy tower while I stay safely back. This helps me to gain an advantage on them. At level 6 I choose my time to be aggressive and flash in and ult my enemy. I then lay miasma, ignite them and twin fang like a mad man. If I stun the enemy with my ult they are most likely dead even with flash the DOT is often too much with the initial burst.
In team fights stay back and pick the right time to flash in and ult. When done right you can ult 3-5 enemies and often stun 2 or more if not all. It is great if someone can kite the enemy team to a waiting Cass so that all enemies are facing one way. After ulting and throwing down miasma under the group, ignite and twin fang the enemy teams carries. Cass can drop other squishies incredibly fast and a well timed ult can lead to multiple kills. Building some survivability on Cass allows you to choose the time to get in close to the fray and do your damage.
I recommend you all give Cass a try,  she is really a great champion and has been added to my rotation. She has great burst and people's lack of familiarity with her often results in them being overly aggressive and out of position. Use this and follow a few of my tips and you should be able to have some great games with her and most importantly a lot of fun.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

New Skins

Unchained Alistar

Arctic Warfare Caitlyn

Rugged Garen

Obsidian Malphite

Riot K-9 Nasus

Judgement Kayle

Classic Janna (Skin tweak)

Sandscourge Skarner

Earthrune Skarner

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Skarner Release

The long awaited release of Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard has arrived. Time to do some impaling!

Bloodstone Taric

The wait is finally over! A new skin has arrived for Taric and I am very excited for it. Taric is one of my favorite champions and the recolors that he has are just not enough. I cannot wait to get my hands on this!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Poll Winner - Zaun

The first monthly poll has finished up and Zaun was the choice for faction that needs a new champion. I would be very intrigued to see another champion that considers Zaun to  be where their loyalties lie. Janna is from Zaun, but chooses to represent Piltover. Maybe, just maybe there is a leading lady from Zaun that will make her presence known.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Uncle Sam Wants You - ?

I have recently been finding myself trying out a bunch of champions. I have really started taking a liking to Maokai and Veigar. I however, have not played them enough recently to offer my opinion. I will pick one of them to focus in on and be updating this post within the next few days.