Saturday, October 29, 2011


Dominion has now been out for awhile and I think that it is great. It is a nice departure from Summoner's Rift and Twisted Treeline. The game is much faster paced and the fighting is abundant. Not feeling as if you cost your team the game because you made one mistake is a great thing. Dominion allows you to try new champions in a less punishing environment and also provides you the opportunity to utilize your favorite champs in new ways.

I will be doing a new version of Uncle Sam Wants You posts for Dominion champions and also be posting about the developing meta, as well as other trends I see developing. We are witnessing the birth of a game, the infancy of its meta and I cannot wait to discover some of the more interesting strategies that are ou there.

Have fun with Dominion and be willing to try things you normally wouldn't. Give champions you don't think would be good a shot, you never know what will work, and what types of crazy fun it can be when something works that is unexpected. Be bold and adventurous with your domination!

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