Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Twisted Fated and Pantheon Global Ult Nerfs

I am very interested to see how this change of range from infinite to 5500 will affect these two. While I believe it will make TF much more balanced, he still will have great control and ganks. With 5500 range you are almost able to teleport from mid lane to top or bottom lane. I do not believe TF will need any changes as a result.
Pantheon is going to suffer more because of this. Pantheon's ult was already hard to land and now one of the most useful things about it has been changed. The devs, however have already promised Pantheon buffs in the next patch after people have played with him and can give them some suggestions. The thread for suggested changes to Pantheon is here:

Friday, July 22, 2011

League of Artists

This is a spectacular piece of bead perler art depicting Sona. It is done by MasterLoki.
Check out some more art by MasterLoki at

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Wukong The Monkey King Live Preview Reflection

It was a very short preview, but man was it awesome. Monkey King is a melee/dps champion who has high mobility and some intriguing spells. He looks like he will have some interesting initiation and escape possibilities.

Passive - Stone Skin - Buffs armor and magic resistance based on the number of enemy champions around.
Q -  Crushing Blow- On hit spell that deals damage and lowers armor, this spell behaves like Poppy's Devastating Blow. 
W - Decoy -Leaves a decoy of Wukong and he is stealthed for a small period of time, upon leaving stealth decoy spins around and deals AOE damage
E - Nimbus Strike -Dashes and hits target enemy, if there are units within range it will create up to 2 clones to hit up to 2 more units at the same time
R - Cyclone - Wukong extends his staff and spins rapidly gaining speed as he does. Wukong is able to  move while spinning dealing damage to enemies hit and knocking them up

Wukong The Monkey King Live Preview

Riot is about to do a live preview of Wukong The Monkey King on their high definition stream
I will do a review of what I see afterwards

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Singing Summoners

Breathe (Singed Tribute) by Visix
This video is so great, I just love this and had to share it with everyone.
Be sure to check out the other great videos by Visix

League of Artists

King of Fate
This is an awesome drawing of a skin idea for Twisted Fate
by AestheticMachine
If you would like to see some more great art by AestheticMachine click on the link below

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Uncle Sam Wants You - Singed (Solo Top)

Singed has always been one of my favorite champions. He was the first champion created by the team at Riot. The simplicity of his moves belie the fact that they are a very strong kit. Long ago I had chosen Singed as my main in 3v3 games and always did very well with him. The problem was that I struggled in 5v5 with Singed. It wasn't that he wasn't viable, I just couldn't seem to make it work.
With the recent changes to his ult, I have fallen in love with Singed in 5v5. By changing Singed's ult from a attack damage/speed mana/health regeneration steroid to a more defensively minded ultimate with improved AP, Armor, Magic Resistance, Movement Speed, Health regeneration, Mana regenration, and improved tenacity during its duration.
I start the game with a regrowth pendant and blue pot. The regrowth pendant provides great early game health regeneration and provides me a lot of early survivability. In a 1v1 situation I am able to farm and for the most part ignore the damage of my opponent in lane. With some smart play to take time to regen health I am able to push minion waves into the enemy tower and force them to lose experience and gold. The ability to farm well from the start of the game often gives me an advantage over my opponent in lane. I max out my Poison Trail first, taking one point in Fling followed by one point in Mega Adhesive. I level up Mega Adhesive next after Poison trail taking points in Insanity Potion whenever I can. The slow on Mega Adhesive during the first couple levels is negligible, but at levels 4 and 5 it becomes one of the best slows in the game.
My build generally consists of Force of Nature, Boots of Swiftness (Mercury treads for heavy AP/CC teams), Heart of Gold, Guardain Angel, and then I tailor towards the team I am playing. If I am playing a heavy AP team I will pick up Banshees Veil. If the team is heavy AD I will pick up Thornmail. I will also pick up Aegis of Legion, as I feel it is a great pick on tanks and provides a lot of help to the team. If I am playing an off tank role I will pick up Rod of the Ages. I will also often pick up a Rylais Scepter when going off tank or when I have determined my team has the advantage. A Singed that can slow all the time is a great asset to a team.
My masteries are 0-21-9 taking Nimbleness and Tenacity in the defensive tree and taking all 4 ranks of Expanded Mind and also taking Greed in the utility tree. My Runes are flat health quints, flat magic pen marks, flat armor seals, and flat MR glyphs. Fr my summoner spells I take Ghost and Teleport. Ghost gives me the ablity to run practically anyone down, especially when Insanity Potion is active. Teleport is great for split pushing mid to late game.
When you catch me in game playing Singed I will be rocking one of my favorite skins in the game, Hextech Singed. Many people like his Surfer or Riot skin, but Hextech is my favorite.

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Skins

Little Knight Amumu

Ravager Nocturne

Warmonger Sion

Harbinger Kassadin

Valkyrie Leona

Defender Leona

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Leona Preview Reflection

Leona is an initiator/tank with multiple stuns.

Q - Is a single target spell that procs on Leona's next auto attack. It deals damage and stuns the target

W- Gives Leona an MR/Armor shield for 3 seconds. The shield explodes and if it hits an enemy the shield is maintained for an additional 3 seconds

E - Is a skillshot similar to Amumu's bandage toss except it passes through enemies dealing damage to all of them and pulling Leona to the last enemy champion hit by it.

R - Is a target area spell that crashes a fireball into the targeted area damaging enemies in the area. Once hit it stuns enemies in a small zone in the middle of the target area and slows the others in the rest of the affected area.

Passive -Leona's passive places a mark on targets hit with her abilities similar to Lux's passive, however only allies can proc the mark to deal additional damage.

Leona's design reminds me too much of Irelia and Bloodmoon Akali. The color scheme used also seems to be just a little off. I am not a big fan of her style and feel it lacks originality. I do like Leona as a champion, however her skills also mostly seem to be recycled off of other champions. Leona is a balanced tank in term of resistances, not leaning towards MR like a Galio or armor like a Malphite. Her mana costs seem to be in line and all of her abilities have AP ratios so she will offer some versatility for those who like to experiment. Early game she is not a great farmer but her passive offers a lot of advantage to AD carries. Mid to late game her shield helps her farming, but if you are concerned I would definitely recommend picking up a sunfire cape. 
In game Leona is very strong in a dual lane and offers the ability to pick up kills early with a combination of E,Q. She is also very viable as a solo lane champ, but the effectiveness of her passive is lost. In team fights Leona really shines offering great initation with E and being able to stun multiple targets. Once gaining her ult she increases her damage and gains an AOE stun. Her shield is also perfectly designed for being surrounded by enemies and offers protection for 6 seconds. 
When summed up I am not a fan of Leona's art, but I am a fan of her skill set and what I have seen in game. I am more concerned about how a champ plays then how a champ looks, plus there are always skins. Leona fits the mold of champs I prefer to play, tanks who can initiate. She is right up my alley and seems like she should be a great addition to the League, I will be purchasing her with my IP when she is released.

Live Leona Preview

There is a live preview of Leona about to be played on the high definition Riot stream. Phreak will be controlling Leona. Hope she is a great addition to the League. I will be giving my thoughts on what I saw after the preview.

League of Artists

This is a great drawing of Loch Ness Cho by Tenant
If you would like to see more champion drawings by Tenant click on the link

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Item Inspection

In this weekly segment I will be discussing an item or items. Generally I will cover the statistics of the item, champions to use the item with, strengths and weaknesses of the item, and comparable items.

Uncle Sam Wants You - Jarvan IV Jungle

The first in a weekly/bi-weekly segment featuring the champion I have been playing most recently. I have been jungling Jarvan recently. I find that he is decently fast in the jungle, but I love his ability to gank. I start at blue with a leash and move from there to wolves. I really like to gank at level 2, especially if top is a solo lane. Once i have picked up Demacian Standard and Dragon Strike I find the disruption is often enough to secure a kill for me or my ally and if not at least get them to use a flash or ghost. I use 9-21-0 masteries and take smite and ghost as my summoner spells.


Captain Teemo
Guardsman Bob

Riot Streams
Riot Games High Definition Stream
Riot Games

Dan Dinh


Hello, I am a 25 year old guy named Sam that likes to play League of Legends. I am not particularly great at the game, but I do find it very enjoyable to play; I also find it very frustrating sometimes. I am blogging about my experiences in the game and other LOL related material. I would like to get some weekly sections going that will specifically focus in on different areas of the game. I am looking to share my experiences, impart advice, get advice ,link to streams and overall make playing League of Legends more fun. This blog is meant to be a place where players can casually discuss and read about League. Hope you all will check out what I have to offer. Thank you.