Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Leona Preview Reflection

Leona is an initiator/tank with multiple stuns.

Q - Is a single target spell that procs on Leona's next auto attack. It deals damage and stuns the target

W- Gives Leona an MR/Armor shield for 3 seconds. The shield explodes and if it hits an enemy the shield is maintained for an additional 3 seconds

E - Is a skillshot similar to Amumu's bandage toss except it passes through enemies dealing damage to all of them and pulling Leona to the last enemy champion hit by it.

R - Is a target area spell that crashes a fireball into the targeted area damaging enemies in the area. Once hit it stuns enemies in a small zone in the middle of the target area and slows the others in the rest of the affected area.

Passive -Leona's passive places a mark on targets hit with her abilities similar to Lux's passive, however only allies can proc the mark to deal additional damage.

Leona's design reminds me too much of Irelia and Bloodmoon Akali. The color scheme used also seems to be just a little off. I am not a big fan of her style and feel it lacks originality. I do like Leona as a champion, however her skills also mostly seem to be recycled off of other champions. Leona is a balanced tank in term of resistances, not leaning towards MR like a Galio or armor like a Malphite. Her mana costs seem to be in line and all of her abilities have AP ratios so she will offer some versatility for those who like to experiment. Early game she is not a great farmer but her passive offers a lot of advantage to AD carries. Mid to late game her shield helps her farming, but if you are concerned I would definitely recommend picking up a sunfire cape. 
In game Leona is very strong in a dual lane and offers the ability to pick up kills early with a combination of E,Q. She is also very viable as a solo lane champ, but the effectiveness of her passive is lost. In team fights Leona really shines offering great initation with E and being able to stun multiple targets. Once gaining her ult she increases her damage and gains an AOE stun. Her shield is also perfectly designed for being surrounded by enemies and offers protection for 6 seconds. 
When summed up I am not a fan of Leona's art, but I am a fan of her skill set and what I have seen in game. I am more concerned about how a champ plays then how a champ looks, plus there are always skins. Leona fits the mold of champs I prefer to play, tanks who can initiate. She is right up my alley and seems like she should be a great addition to the League, I will be purchasing her with my IP when she is released.

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