Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Uncle Sam Wants You - Singed (Solo Top)

Singed has always been one of my favorite champions. He was the first champion created by the team at Riot. The simplicity of his moves belie the fact that they are a very strong kit. Long ago I had chosen Singed as my main in 3v3 games and always did very well with him. The problem was that I struggled in 5v5 with Singed. It wasn't that he wasn't viable, I just couldn't seem to make it work.
With the recent changes to his ult, I have fallen in love with Singed in 5v5. By changing Singed's ult from a attack damage/speed mana/health regeneration steroid to a more defensively minded ultimate with improved AP, Armor, Magic Resistance, Movement Speed, Health regeneration, Mana regenration, and improved tenacity during its duration.
I start the game with a regrowth pendant and blue pot. The regrowth pendant provides great early game health regeneration and provides me a lot of early survivability. In a 1v1 situation I am able to farm and for the most part ignore the damage of my opponent in lane. With some smart play to take time to regen health I am able to push minion waves into the enemy tower and force them to lose experience and gold. The ability to farm well from the start of the game often gives me an advantage over my opponent in lane. I max out my Poison Trail first, taking one point in Fling followed by one point in Mega Adhesive. I level up Mega Adhesive next after Poison trail taking points in Insanity Potion whenever I can. The slow on Mega Adhesive during the first couple levels is negligible, but at levels 4 and 5 it becomes one of the best slows in the game.
My build generally consists of Force of Nature, Boots of Swiftness (Mercury treads for heavy AP/CC teams), Heart of Gold, Guardain Angel, and then I tailor towards the team I am playing. If I am playing a heavy AP team I will pick up Banshees Veil. If the team is heavy AD I will pick up Thornmail. I will also pick up Aegis of Legion, as I feel it is a great pick on tanks and provides a lot of help to the team. If I am playing an off tank role I will pick up Rod of the Ages. I will also often pick up a Rylais Scepter when going off tank or when I have determined my team has the advantage. A Singed that can slow all the time is a great asset to a team.
My masteries are 0-21-9 taking Nimbleness and Tenacity in the defensive tree and taking all 4 ranks of Expanded Mind and also taking Greed in the utility tree. My Runes are flat health quints, flat magic pen marks, flat armor seals, and flat MR glyphs. Fr my summoner spells I take Ghost and Teleport. Ghost gives me the ablity to run practically anyone down, especially when Insanity Potion is active. Teleport is great for split pushing mid to late game.
When you catch me in game playing Singed I will be rocking one of my favorite skins in the game, Hextech Singed. Many people like his Surfer or Riot skin, but Hextech is my favorite.

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